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Update March 18, 2024


We will start publishing these updates roughly every two weeks, to provide a better sense of what's happening in the project. This is the first installment and it will intentionally only cover the two previous weeks -- to get into the rhythm of things.

✨ Welcome to the inaugural Breadboard update!

I was sharing with a colleague this morning how the size of the project has grown to the point where we need to think of our focus as a spotlight: what is it shining on today? Unless they are urgent and important, other things might have to wait for the spotlight to turn to them.

🎨 Visual editor work

Over the last two weeks, it is fairly clear that the spotlight was shining on bringing up the visual editor experience. A good way to illustrate the progress is to simply show the change the UI underwent.

"Activity Log" panel

Two weeks ago, the Breadboard build view looked like this:

Desktop Before

We consolidated the timeline, inputs, outputs, and history view into a single "Activity Log" panel, which contains the same information (and more!) in a much tidier format.

Desktop After

Selected node details

In addition to the "Activity Log" panel, we added the "Selected Node" panel, which enables you to see and edit the details of a particular node on the board's graph.

Selected Node Panel

Navigation panel

Two weeks ago, to select a board to play with, you needed to go to separate page like this:

Examples page before

In this update, we tucked it into a slide-out navigation panel on the right, to give choosing and running boards a more immediate feel.

Navigation panel with examples

File system support

... But we couldn't just stop there. New this week is the ability to mount your local file system files and load them from the navigation panel.

Add file system source

Clicking on the icon will ask you to select the directory to use as a source of graphs:

Add file system picker

Once the directory is selected, the boards show up in the navigation panel, easily accessible and ready for playing with:

Navigation panel with file system

We can even refresh or disconnect the sources when we no longer need them:

Disconnect file system source

This feature requires File System API support in your browser.

Edit board information

We also added the ability to edit board information, such as title, description, and version.

Edit board information

Node picker

We tightened up the node picker and taught it to search across kits. You can summon it by clicking on the "Add" button in the bottom right corner of Breadboard editor.

Updated node picker

Breadboard on the go

Last, but not least, if you open Breadboard on a phone, you will see a new simplified layout that is much more friendly for using with a smaller screen:

Before After
Mobile View Before Mobile View After

The simplified layout is still a work in progress, but it should give a pretty good sense of the direction in which we're going.

🚀 Ready to go

In addition to all these updates, here are some other, perhaps less visible, but no less important updates:

🧑‍🍳 On the stove

There are plenty of things that are still on the stove, getting ready for their moment: