Please note:this document is a work in progress.

Visual Editor Reference

One-time set up

Breadboard visual editor is a very flexible tool, and it can be used for many other purposes than just working with Agent Kit. To get the visual editor really honed in for the Agent Kit work, we will want to flip a few settings. To do so, click on the "gear" icon on the top right of the visual editor.

Settings panel

In the "General" section of the settings:

In the "Secrets" section:

Secrets panel

Finally, in the "Inputs" section, create a "model" key and put in the name of the Gemini model to be used by the Workers. Otherwise, the workers will keep asking you for the model every time they want to use one. We recommend either gemini-1.5-flash-latest or gemini-1.5-pro-latest.

Inputs panel

Creating a new board

To create a new board, open the left side panel and click on the "New Board" button. You will be asked to name the board. Pick a name that's descriptive, yet concise. All boards are stored as JSON files in the common Breadboard Graph Language (BGL) format.

New Board