Built-in Kit

While most nodes in Breadboard come from various kits, there are two nodes that are built-in: input and output. A good way to think about them is as if they are part of the "Built-in kit": something that you always get, no matter what other kits you choose to employ.

Why do we need these nodes?

These two nodes serve a very important purpose: they communicate the API (or "shape") of the board. While it is definitely convenient in itself, it becomes super-important when we start composing graphs.

The input and output represent, respectively, the beginning and the end of work within a board. Every job begins with an intake of some source material and produces a deliverable. The "input" and "output" components signify those moments. The "input" component is the place where the job begins, and the "output" component (or components, depending on the job) is where it ends.

By adding "input" and "output" nodes in our graph, we not only make it easy for ourselves to spot the starting and ending points of the job -- we also make this graph reusable. In Breadboard, graphs can be invoked by other graphs, kind of like delegating work. If we already know that there's a team of workers that does a particular job well, we can just call that team and ask it to do the job for us. When we do that, the "input" and "output" nodes of that team will inform us what the team needs to do their job successfully.


To make this more concrete, here's an example. The input and output nodes of a board are used to construct the signature of function declarations when we let the Specialist invoke boards as tools. From the perspective of the user, it looks entirely magical: they just add a board as a possible tool that the Specialist could call and it just works. Behind the scenes, the Specialist inspects the board, determines the inputs/outputs and supplies them to the LLM as function declarations.

The input node

Use this node to specify the inputs for the board. The input node has a single fixed input configuration port named Schema and a variable number of output ports.

The output ports of this node are supplied from outside of the board: either by the user when running the board directly or by another board when invoking this board from it.


It usually takes a bit of getting used to the idea that the inputs of a board show up as outputs of the input node. One metaphor that might help is that the input node brings the data from outside of the board.

Input ports

Input Schema editor

The single configuration input port is Schema, which allows us to specify the number, names, types, and even sample/default values of the inputs for our board.

The Schema editor allows creating a list of input port definitions. Each definition has the following basic parameters:

Input Schema types

The following types are available via the Visual Editor (presented here in order of their complexity):

Schema Object Behavior

The Behavior parameter contains the list of various useful shapes of JSON objects. These shapes are pre-defined in Breadboard. The Visual Editor will also adjust the UI of the input when running the board based on the value of this parameter, and try to find the right widget to help you enter the data.


The Visual Editor Schema editor produces JSON Schema for each input. This JSON schema (or more precisely, the Port Spec dialect of it) is what is stored in the BGL representation of the board.

Hidden behind the "Show more" in the Visual Editor, there are a few more parameters.

Input Schema editor expanded


In the scenario above, make sure that the Required checkbox is not checked. The Default value will only be used if the port is optional. When the Required is not checked and Default is not specified, Breadboard will "bubble up" the input: present it to the user to fill out.

Output ports

The output ports of the input node are defined by Schema.

The output node

The output node does the inverse of what input does: it takes the values out of the board, back to the user (if called directly) or to another board (if invoked by that board). It has a variable number of input ports, and no output ports.

Input ports

Similar to the input node, there's pre-defined input port called Schema, whose purpose is identical to Schema in the input node, with one important distinction: it defines the rest of the input ports (as opposed to output ports in input).


Avoid defining a port with the id of schema in the Schema editor. It will result in the output node being confused, since that is the id used by Schema.

Output ports

The output node does not have any output ports.