Please note:this document is a work in progress.

Google Drive Kit

Google Drive Kit lets you search for, read, and write files in your Google Drive. The components in this kit closely mirror the official Google Drive API.

Get File Content

Use the getFileContent component to retrieve the raw bytes of a regular file in Google Drive.


To read a Google Doc or Sheet, use the Export File component instead of the Get File Content. Google Workspace files do not use standard file formats, so it is not possible to read them without first converting them to a standard format like plain text, HTML or CSV.

Input ports

Output ports


Export File

Use the exportFile component to convert a Google Workspace file like a Doc or Sheet to a standard format like text, HTML, or PDF.

Input ports

Output ports


List files

Use the listFiles component to search for files in your Google Drive matching certain criteria, such as type or parent folder.

Input ports

Output ports
