Please note:this document is a work in progress.

Build API

The Breadboard Build API is an npm package that allows you to design and compose boards with TypeScript.

It is an alternative to the Visual Editor, designed for users who prefer a code-first approach to working with Breadboard.

Boards that you create with the Build API can be serialized to BGL (Breadboard Graph Language), which can then be executed directly, or imported into the Visual Editor.


npm i @breadboard-ai/build

Declaring Inputs

All boards begin with the declaration of one or more inputs. The input function declares one input port. Inputs are configured by passing an object with the following fields:


In Breadboard, the term input can have a few different meanings depending on the context. To be precise, the input function from the Build API declares one input port. This port will be assigned to one or more input components later on, as the final step in declaring a board, covered in the Boards section below.

import { input } from "@breadboard-ai/build";

const topic = input({
  description: "What should the poem be about?",
  examples: ["Coffee in the morning", "The mind of a cat"],

const stanzas = input({
  type: "number",
  description: "How many stanzas should the poem have?",
  default: 4,

Using Components

Boards perform work by instantiating components.

Components are imported from npm packages or local JavaScript modules, and are instantiated by calling them as a function.


See the Kit Documentation section on the left-hand side of this guide for a full catalog of the components you can import and use in your boards.

The inputs to a component are passed as the first argument of the function. Input values can come from input ports, from the outputs of other components, or from literal values.

For example, the geminiText component uses the Gemini Large Language Model API to generate text:

import { geminiText } from "@google-labs/gemini-kit";

const poemWriter = geminiText({
  text: poemPrompt,
  model: "gemini-1.5-flash-latest",

The output ports of a component instance in your board are accessed through the outputs property. Output ports can be passed as inputs to other components, or they can be configured as the final outputs of your board (see Declaring outputs).

const poemText = poemWriter.outputs.text;

Helper Functions

Some packages additionally vend helper functions alongside their components, which provide a more convenient or more strongly-typed way to instantiate a component.

For example, the prompt helper instantiates a promptTemplate component using convenient JavaScript tagged template literal syntax:

import { prompt } from "@google-labs/template-kit";

const poemPrompt = prompt`
  Write a poem about ${topic} with ${stanzas} stanzas.`;

Declaring Outputs

Use the output function to declare an output port for your board.

The first argument to output is the output port that produces the value you want to emit on the port. The second argument is optional (but recommmended) metadata to help users understand the output port, and can have the following properties:

import { output } from "@breadboard-ai/build";

const poem = output(poemWriter.outputs.text, {
  title: "Poem",
  description: "The poem that Gemini generated.",

Declaring Boards

The final step in creating a board with the Build API is to call the board function. This encapsulates the inputs, outputs, and board metadata into a board object. This object can then be imported for use by other boards, or it can be serialized for execution and visualization (see Serializing Boards).

The only argument to board is an object with the following properties:

import { board } from "@breadboard-ai/build";

export default board({
  id: "poem-writer",
  title: "Poem Writer",
  description: "Write a poem with Gemini.",
  inputs: { topic, stanzas },
  outputs: { poem },


All inputs and outputs of a board must be passed to the board function, or else an error is thrown. The reason you are required to specify both inputs and outputs (as opposed to the API discovering one from the other automatically), is to allow TypeScript to understand the full input/output signature of your boards at compile time. This ensures that you will see schema mismatch errors as soon as possible when calling one component from another.

Full Example

The following example puts together all of the concepts discussed above:

import { board, input, output } from "@breadboard-ai/build";
import { prompt } from "@google-labs/template-kit";
import { geminiText } from "@google-labs/gemini-kit";

const topic = input({
  description: "What should the poem be about?",
  examples: ["Coffee in the morning", "The mind of a cat"],

const stanzas = input({
  type: "number",
  description: "How many stanzas should the poem have?",
  default: 4,

const poemPrompt = prompt`
  Write a poem about ${topic} with ${stanzas} stanzas.`;

const poemWriter = geminiText({
  text: poemPrompt,
  model: "gemini-1.5-flash-latest",

const poem = output(poemWriter.outputs.text, {
  title: "Poem",
  description: "The poem that Gemini generated.",

export default board({
  id: "poem-writer",
  title: "Poem Writer",
  description: "Write a poem with Gemini.",
  inputs: { topic, stanzas },
  outputs: { poem },

Serializing Boards

The serialize function takes a BoardDefinition (the result of calling the board function), and generates a JSON-serializable object in BGL format.

import { serialize } from "@breadboard-ai/build";
import poemWriter from "./poem-writer.js";

const bgl = serialize(poemWriter);
console.log(JSON.stringify(bgl, null, 2));

Advanced Topics


The loopback function makes it possible to express loops or cycles with the Build API.

Calling loopback gives you an object that acts like a placeholder for a value that you will resolve later in the program, thereby allowing you to wire the output of a component back to itself.

The loopback function take a single parameter, a Breadboard Type Expression that constrains the schema ("string" by default).

Loopbacks are resolved by calling the resolve function with an output port. An error will be thrown if you try to serialize a board that contains a loopback that was never resolved.

import { loopback } from "@breadboard-ai/build";
import { magicCounter } from "./magic-counter.js";

const count = loopback({ type: "number" });
const counter = magicCounter({ count });


It is occasionally useful to wire two or more different output ports to the same input port. In the Build API, this is expressed by calling the converge function (named because multiple wires are converging or meeting at the same point).

The converge function takes 2 or more arguments, each an output port or board input. It returns an object which, when passed as an input to a component, will cause all of the given output ports to be wired to that input port.

One way this can be used is to initialize loops with a starting condition. In the following example, an initial value is taken from an input to start off a looping counter:

import { converge } from "@breadboard-ai/build";

const initial = input({ type: "number" });
const updated = loopback({ type: "number" });
const counter = magicCounter({
  count: converge(initial, updated),


The above example works because of two important behaviors of the Breadboard execution model:

  1. When there are two or more wires connected to the same port, only one wire can be active at a time. The first wire that receives a value is the one that activates. In the above example, on the first iteration, only the initial wire has a value, so initial activates.
  2. By default, values are consumed as they flow through a wire. In the above example, on subsequent iterations, the initial value is undefined. Meanwhile, the updated wire receives a value, so updated activates instead.


By default, values are consumed as they flow through a wire. This behavior can be undesirable in some situations, such as when the same value needs to be provided to the same instance of a component multiple times. If a wire is annotated as constant, then it will instead store the most recent value that passes through it, and re-emit that value on every subsequent activation.

To express constant wires with the Build API, use the constant function to create a constant version of an output port or value. Any wires connected to that value will be annotated as constant.

Below we have added an increment input to the previous example, and annotated it with constant as we pass it to the counter component. If we did not include the constant annotation, then the loop would never reach a second iteration. This is because the increment value would have been consumed on the first iteration, leaving the component with an unsatisfied input from there on.

import { constant, input, loopback } from "@breadboard-ai/build";
import { magicCounter } from "./magic-counter.js";

const increment = input({ default: 1 });
const initial = input({ type: "number" });
const updated = loopback({ type: "number" });
const counter = magicCounter({
  increment: constant(increment),
  count: converge(initial, updated),


Some boards are polymorphic, meaning their input and/or output signatures can take multiple forms. In general, polymorphism is achieved in Breadboard by having more than one input or output component in a board.

The way polymorphism is expressed in the Build API is with the inputNode and outputNode functions. These functions let you manually arrange your inputs and outputs into components, thereby overriding the default behavior which assumes there is exactly one input component and one output component per board.

The first parameter to inputNode and outputNode is an object mapping port ids to inputs and outputs, respectively. The second parameter configures the metadata of the input or output component, and supports the following fields:

In the example below, we have a board which has 2 input components and 2 output signatures, meaning there are 2 ways it can be invoked, and 2 ways it can return its values:

import { inputNode, outputNode, board } from "@breadboard-ai/build";

export default board({
  id: "my-polymorphic-board",
  description: "A contrived board with polymorphic inputs and outputs",
  inputs: [
    inputNode({ a: inStr1, b: inStr2, c: inNum1 }, { title: "Inputs I" }),
    inputNode({ a: inStr1, c: inStr2 }, { title: "Inputs II" }),
  outputs: [
    outputNode({ a: inStr1, b: inStr2, c: inNum1 }, { title: "Outputs I" }),
    outputNode({ a: inStr1, c: inStr2 }, { title: "Outputs II" }),


There is no statically defined correspondance between input signatures and output signatures in Breadboard, meaning it is not possible to know at compile-time which output component will activate for a given input signature. (Note that the indices of the input and output components in the arrays above have no significance). For this reason, the signatures of all output components of a board are merged into a single signature, where each port is typed with the union of all possible types for that port across its forms:

interface {
  // string in both forms
  a: string;
  // string in form I, mising from form II
  b: string | undefined;
  // number in form I, string in form II
  c: number | string;